Creative Media, Design, Photography and other related things.


Lunes, Oktubre 17, 2011

  (For my friend, Alma
I'm praying for you!)

Oh Lord, my heart is breaking for my friends,
I am grieved and I don't know what to do.
I've done all I can to offer them hope;
All that's left, Father, is to lift them up to You.

I can't change the situations in their lives,
Oh God, they seem so powerless and weak.
Jesus, You who share their every sorrow,
Fill their hearts with the strength and peace they seek.

Lord, let me stand in the gap for all my friends,
Let me lift them in prayer to You each day,
Let me be faithful, Lord, to show Your love,
And shine a beacon of hope to light the way.

Let me be a witness of all that You can do
Through a life that's set apart for Your glory,
And when the raging tempests come their way
Let perfect peace and comfort be their story.

Let my example be a source of hope,
A vivid picture of Your redeeming love.
Let me always tenderly point the way
To the refuge found in Jesus Christ, above.


                                                Dear God, With this prayer
                                                  I call to mind my friends.
                                                I ask for Your blessings on them.
                                                  May angels fill their nights
                                                And bless their days.

                                         May they find joy and peace and harmony.
                                         May I be a source of happiness in their lives.
                                         May our bond be strong and based on truth.

                                               May they always know that
                                                 In me, they have support.
                                               May I live a life that
                                                 Lives up to this prayer.

                                                  Thank you God...Amen.

Is Yours

Have you yet learned the joy and obedience of tithing? In case you don't know, tithing is giving one tenth of your income to God. You may not think it sounds like such a joy but then a wonderful story comes along to show how God smiles on our giving in obedience to his Word.Daisy
A few weeks ago, a close friend of mine whom I will call Gisele called to tell me what had happened to her earlier that morning at church. Gisele is in a very precarious financial situation right now and it has been this way for over four years. Yes, she makes it every month but just barely. Regardless of how small her income is, however, she always gives God the first tenth of it. She learned this principle as a child but lately it has been a real test of faith.
On this Sunday morning she was one hour late to church because of having to take back roads she didn't know well. Previously she had always taken the turnpike to church but the toll had just gone up and she literally did not have the fifty cents to pay it. When she finally made it to the church parking lot she just sat there awhile. She hated to go in that late. Well, she finally thought, I'll just go in and give my tithe. This was a toughie because she had little food in her house and was $20 short on her rent which was due the next day.
She went in and found the guy who counts the offering and gave her tithe and then asked him for better directions to get back home. She was explaining she was short for the toll when the Pastor's wife who knows her well overheard. She walked up and said, "Oh, Gisele, just take the turnpike!" and handed her a twenty dollar bill. As Gisele was saying how much this meant to her the woman said; "You know what - God has really blessed me - here, take this too" and handed her an additional hundred dollars.
Gisele could now take the turnpike home, buy some food and pay her rent. Her tithe had only been $32 so God had quadrupled his return to her at a very opportune time. She felt reenergized and encouraged by the Lord's loving-kindness.
Begin your own walk of faith and obedience. If you have never tithed before, think of it this way: God owns it all anyway and you get to keep 90%. That's a pretty good deal. In the end you will find that you cannot out-give God.


A couple of weeks ago I was asked to pray for a man by a friend of his. He agreed to the prayer and I asked him what he wanted from God. "Nothing" he said, "I don't want to bother him. If my wife and son and I are healthy, that's all I ask for."corn field
So, I began to pray. Hmmm...what to pray for someone who really was asking for nothing. Then I was reminded of the scripture passage; "You do not have because you do not ask." (James 4:2b) I prayed for the Lord to give this man ability to "ask." I happen to know through his friend that he suffered as a child from a step-father who did not love or accept him. Because of that, he expects little from his heavenly Father.
As I prayed I said; "Lord, you know how Tom (not his real name) loves his little son. You know how he delights when Tommy asks him for things. Daddy, can I have an ice cream cone? Daddy, please read that story one more time. You delight the same way, Lord, when Tom comes to you like a child. You are eagerly watching for every request, delighted to respond."
How is your own "asker"? Do you hesitate to "bother" God? Over the years I have seen many who somehow think they have a prayer quota and want to save their requests for emergencies. Or they see their own needs as inconsequential compared to the needs of others.
Go ahead and begin -- ask. You have Father God's full attention for every request, small and large. Are you like Tom who needs courage and grace to come boldly to God? Then make that the first thing you ask.

that is not acceptable

That is not acceptable

Several of my friends identify me with this phrase: "That is not acceptable!" I first used it while I worked as an Operations Manager for a corporation. A vendor could not deliver what had been promised on time; a deadline was going to be missed because of incompetence; an office procedure could not be changed because "this is how we've always done it." Something would rise up inside of me and I would say quietly but firmly; "that is not acceptable."pink blue sunset
It carried over into my spiritual walk and particularly into my prayer life. Don't tell me that such and such person is unreachable by God. Don't tell me this prayer can't be answered. Don't tell me the church will never have the same power they had at Pentecost. Don't tell me NO. That is not acceptable.
Sometimes we go along and accept the status quo for a very long time. We get so used to compromise and accepting second best and "half answers" that we forget we don't have to stand for it. "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work." (1 John 3:8) Aren't we supposed to be carrying on for Jesus until he returns? Why should we put up with even half of what the devil dishes out?
The next time you get hit by demonic forces, stop and think about it a minute. Do you have to take that lying down? Is that God's very best for you? No? You know what to say then, don't you? THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Lunes, Setyembre 26, 2011

i ask and i wonder?

I   wonder, I ask many questions
I wonder about occasions
And if this will lead me to fall
It be from the pinnacle

Let it be my accusation
My utter rebellion
A like worthy, I believe.
A life commendable to live

Is possible only if,
I have a question to give
This questioning has that chance
If I allow a creative disturbance

And if this lead my story short
Let it provoke with out comfort,
Let it be my only payment
My own indictment

This life never less
Is reserve, I guess
For those who can offer,

A time to ask and wonder,
No matter what the ending,
Be it pain, torture or suffering.

Miyerkules, Agosto 24, 2011


i don`t know what i fell,
i can`t understand 
what i think what was i`m going?
i`am confuse.

 i want you to stay for for i cant live
without you but it hurts me so badly
co`z your tears kills me slowly, 
i want your love for it bring happiness to me 

but it makes my life miserable
for i hate to see you with me yet lonely.
i want to set you free
for i know`am not good enough for you

but i am afraid to see you fall having
nobody to catch you the way i do.
i want you to be happy being free
from my vicinity but  that 

would make you vulnerable
from vicious that is
rampant in every way hate i do?
all i want is for you to be happy 

but it brought me in this way
the state of being confuse as the way:

                        -TAKE IT AS AN ADVICE-

Makes Me Blind

there so many questions that enter in my mind.
question that make me blind 
co`z i doesn't answer yet: by someone i`interrogated.

maybe he is busy in another girls
reason why he has no time on me,
shall i accept the reality? 
that he never felt the same way with me,

shall i let her free or let my love be free?
its hard to choose and decides on this kind of feeling`s that resides! 
i always think of his together with the heartaches and pain 
the loneliness and sorrow
as well the happiness and cheerfulness

 i just make my self deceive
 that their is someone who will love me.
 for i knew that it would not happened
co`z a person i love has a fiance already!
this event is hard to accept

but i have nothing to do
but to face it
for this is the time to move on.
and find someone who can hold in on!

"it`s almost time to say goodbye"

the hardest part of any  friendship's when its time to say goodbye. as much as we might to stay the name, change in an inevitable part of life. the universe may seems huge and the rift between friends on appropriate side of the world may seem to distance.there are many tools available with which we can communicate but even with out these tools there's a secrete that only real friends knows and it is this:
all the mountains and valleys in the world cannot separate friends whose hearts are \as one. i firmly believe that heart are as one no matter what we have to be thankful for everything
 let me share this untitled poem entitled it`s time to  say goodbye.
" it`s time to say goodbye"

may the road rise up to met you,
may the wind never at you back
may the sunshine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields.
and until we meet again
may god you hold in the hollow of his hand
 a sunbeam to warm you
a moonbeam to charm you'
 as shelter angel so nothing ca harm you
may the pocket`s be heavy and heart
be the light may good luck pursue you each morning and night
               - goodbye my friend-

Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011

farewell leave out all the rest

                         +Farewell serves as a reminder that nothing here on this earth is permanent. every beginning has its own ending. everybody needs to move on the next chapter of his life with the great impulse toward the fulfillment of dreams and life aspiration.
                         Its probably safe say that most people would not forget their student years.every drop of ink spilled on the pages of notes means  handwork, patience and dedication. photograph are proofs of well-treasure schooldays.stepping out of the gates of  hercor college bringing excitement and fear from the eyes rushing down into the nerves.the taste of learning will nous be transformed to reality.
 the days are past  approaching before     we formally leave out of portal  where  the best graduates pass. it cant denied that there will be felling of sadness and joy in everyone's heart.sadness is felt for parting after years of companionship hapinessfor it is beginningof the new jouurney.
                        Moments and experience web make one well equippedin facing different adventure in life. we should not forget those people lessons and every little detail contributed into what we are  today what we will become in future

Biyernes, Hulyo 22, 2011

"my childhood to college years"

How proud I am I can say!
Proud in the sense that through out the years
Believing or not I can survive
That one thing I’d thank god;
I remember my childhood in the years past

I remember my mom who sends me to school
Who take good care of me, preparing my foods
I remember the playing time, recess time, during my childhood years
And the day past by I’m in the high school level

During my high school I remember my peer group, the bonding, chizmisan
Halakhakan, tawanan, and most specially away an
And after 4 year of doing that thing the time goes by;
We were to graduate our high school level

And that was so sad because it`s peer group haven`t the same pair anymore
Because we enter into a newer life, as a college student;
That was so hard too, because new people you saw, newer peer group you`ve enter
New friends, new teachers, new uniform and most specially new environment you`ve

Interact with and we`ve don’t know the years past by we were to graduate
The college life and after that new life to enter;
How life isn`t it. Life doesn`t end to everyone;

Miyerkules, Hulyo 20, 2011


Proud I am I can say:
Proud in the sense that, through out the years
Believing or not I can survive
That one thing I’d thank to god:
I remember my childhood years in the years past by,

I remember my mom, who sends me to school
Who take good care of me and preparing my foods?
I remember the playing time, recess time during my childhood
Years, and after the time past by:

I am in the high school level during my high school years
I remember my peer group, the bonding w/ my group,
Halakhakan, tawanan. At away an
And after 4 years have been doing that

The rime goes by we were to graduate
And that so sad because its peer of group haven’t same the
Same pair anymore: because we enter into a new life,
As a college student! That was so hard to take it…
Because new peer of group you’ve inter, new set of friend
New teachers, new people around, new uniform and most especially
New environment you’ve interact with.
And the years goes by again.. we were to graduate our college years!

And still we’ve don’t know where ever we go each other….
Life’s goes by……
Life for people does`nt end….. How life it is………….

the power of mothers promise

Twenty-seven years ago this month, my mom made a promise that changed our lives forever.
Now that I'm also a mother, I've come to see that promise as a kind of spiritual umbilical cord, a maternal link God used to bring new to life me and my family, and to countless others.
Prayer from a mother's heart
On May 30, 1975 my sister Carey was born. She was a true angel baby - sleeping through the night from the day we brought her home. She completed a trio of girls; I was four, and Amy, two.
A week after Carey's birth, Mom knew something was terribly wrong. Her left leg suddenly stopped working, dragging behind her.
By the time she arrived at the hospital, her leg was dead black. An astute nurse immediately nailed the cause: blood clots. Two hundred of them, the doctor said, coursed through her veins. One passed through her lung, causing pneumonia and kidney failure.
In her hospital bed, Mom had a conversation with God - something that had often comforted her battered heart as a child. Growing up, her parents partied hard and often abandoned her; when they were home, they were more harsh than loving. God's was the best listening ear she knew.
Now she turned to it again: "Oh, God, I want to live to see my babies grow up and get married," she prayed. "Please help me. I will do anything…" And then she made a promise: "I'll… I'll read the Bible. From cover to cover."
After 10 days in the hospital, Mom came home. The doctor said that if the clot that had passed through her lung had been a hair bigger, she wouldn't have survived.
As she recovered, Mom remembered her promise. Starting in Genesis, she plodded through the super-size Bible she had bought, even though much of it seemed to reinforce her childhood notion that it was decipherable only by men who wore stiff collars.
Even so, a lot of what she read moved her, and when she came upon the question "What must I do to be saved?" in the book of Acts, chapter 16, the answer spoke directly to her: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household."
She responded then to God's voice in her spirit, and was filled with understanding of how His love had led Him to send His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for everything she had ever done wrong in her life - and ever would do. "It was quite a revelation," she later told me.
One thing I remember around this time is an earnest, private conversation with my mom. She revealed to me the truth about Santa Claus, and afterwards pulled out a book and read about a woman named Mary who had a baby named Jesus. She told me, "This story is real."
The cross and the barber pole
When I was eight, Mom decided our family needed to go to church. We attended various services, but church felt like a foreign, impenetrable culture with its own language and customs.
Mom found herself offering up another big prayer, "God, if You really want us to go to church, You're going to have to send one to our back yard."
God answered three months later in the form of a short Norwegian pastor in his 70s. He came to our door to invite us to a new church starting up at the barber/beauty shop three miles down the road. By country standards, three miles is on your front porch!
We went to the inaugural service, walking past the hair-washing sinks to the main room of the A-frame building. Though we sat discreetly in the back, we failed to make ourselves invisible. In fact, that little community of about 20 people immediately embraced us and over time, through their lives, showed us the winsomeness and Truth of genuine Christianity. My mom grew in her faith, and it wasn't long before my dad, my two sisters and I each decided to follow Jesus as our Forgiver and Leader.
Life, BC and AD
In the following years, I had a front-row seat to changed lives. God re-fashioned my parents' character, their habits, their attitudes.
Their abundant affection and the inner experience I had of God's love under girded me during my awkward school-age years.
Then I became a teenager.
In ninth grade, I decided to change my misfit image for the gloss of popularity, whatever the cost. I'll come back to God later when I'm done doing things my way, I reasoned. I shrugged off any consequences and believed that to have a "good" testimony, like so many of the dramatic ones I had heard, that I had to have a "past."
At 17, I finally woke up. God helped me imagine how my life might turn out if I continued shunning His love and leadership. I thanked God for protecting me in spite of my unwise choices and I realized the incredible privilege of having been spared the pain that my parents had experienced before knowing Christ.
Three weddings and a baby
When my sisters and I each married, Mom relished in the weddings. God answered her prayer that she would see us wed, and the subsequent ones that each of us would choose a mate who loved God.
Her joy ballooned with the arrival of grandchildren, and when it was my husband Mike's and my turn to tell them we were adding to the brood, we flew home to share the news in person.
A few days into our visit , my nurse-practioner called. A blood test had come back positive for "Factor V Leiden," a genetic blood disorder that can cause clotting during pregnancy and post-partum. The nurse wanted me to start right away on injections of heparin, a blood-thinning medication. Without it there was a high risk for miscarriage, still birth or blood clots.
At first I felt sorry for myself. Suddenly I was having a "high risk" pregnancy. Sticking my stomach with a needle twice a day was not the way I had envisioned enjoying my growing abdomen.
Mom felt guilty: "How could I have passed this on to you?" she thought.
It wasn't long before our emotions melted to thankfulness. God had intervened and prevented me from suffering what my mother had - or something worse. My obstetrician told me that few doctors are screening for this genetic blood disorder, which was discovered just 10 years ago.
"Why me?" became, "Why have I been singled out for so great a grace?"
A new branch
On March 30, 2001 my mom witnessed for the first time the birth of a baby - my son, Liam.
My greatest hope for Liam is that he will respond to God's gift of grace and follow Him with all his heart. As he grows, I will tell him that God has a plan for his life, and that He intervened to protect him in the womb. I'll tell him this parallels the way God's grace intervened to touch the spiritual deadwood that characterized our family tree, grafting in a new branch - one that is spiritually alive.
And I'll tell him how it all began with a mother's promise.
A new branch in your family tree could start with you!
As a young girl, my mom told her parents, " I am going to raise my family differently." They laughed and said, "You will see." She did not know then that the difference she would raise us girls with was Christ.
Following Christ and creating a Christian home is something no one can do though, by just "trying really hard." We need help - or better - the one Jesus called the "Helper."
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, God has given you His Holy Spirit to help you live life according to His perfect plan. Why not pray this simple prayer and by faith invite Him to fill you with His Spirit:
Dear Father, I need You. I acknowledge that I have sinned against You by directing my own life. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins through Christ's death on the cross for me. I now invite Christ to again take His place on the throne of my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be filled, and as You promised in Your Word that You would do if I asked in faith. I pray this in the name of Jesus. As an expression of my faith, I thank You for directing my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit. Amen
If you prayed this prayer today, we would love to hear from you . Perhaps we could connect you with a mentor or provide resourceful links that could help you in this new journey.

Lunes, Hulyo 18, 2011

City of Fine Baguio"

                                                                 Many people here in the Philippine love travel. travel , travel an travel and Philippines was so thankful because dito sa atin maraming mapupuntahang beautiful tourist spots. and one of this is BAGUIO......

 last summer we went baguio  woow it so cold...... late in the evening  when we travel fro manila- baguio, 6 hours afterwe finally there...woow it so lamig....i"d say.after we leave in the buzz its early in the morning lamig pala talaga....parang nag violet na ang kulay ng bibig ko...but it so exciting.... ohhh.gosh it"s early in hte morning hindi pa pala pweding pumunta sa mga magagandang lugar doon..naghanap muna kami ng hotel na malapit sa city.and fianlly its morning...doon na nag umpisa ang aming paglilibot libot.. 
                       first pumunta kami sac church, pray for protection,and thanks god  that we`ve finally there.. after church we goes to lourdes Grotto &  Mirador  hill , we take a picture and give sime candles and flowers.. saw some Sovenier`s and walk again. next was in the chinese church in baguio but they called them chinise temple picture at naghanap kami ng wishing weel at doon nakita ko yung mountain that full of houses from top go down woow it so beautiful...go again we went wright park nag ride kami and saw some horses and finally i ride  horse and that horse they called them  block rose..
 and we went also to the strawberry farm.... wesome some strawberries and  pumunta kami sa middle of the farm kahit mainit tiniis ko yun..woow parang lahat ng nakikita mo all strawberries and different kind of vegetable`s.... we went also in the botanical garden.. mines views, mansion house andcamp john hay......... that was the last sa PMA sa baguio woow  it so amazing.....
when we finally went home .... i take a so coldng water felling ko naliligo ako sa ice..and after taht one day after  enjoyment... we go back to flight back here in Roxas City that was the happiest summer i`ve ever had....
because isjust a wish come true for me because hindi  ako makapaniwalang i went baguio in one day...
that was a beutiful memories can`t erase in my whole life i wish someday i went go back there.......
                                                           -the end-